Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Spring is in the air .... or is it?

Sunday, March 20th was officially the first day of spring. Last week the temperatures were fabulous ... touching 12 degrees. It truly felt that spring is in the air. But alas, this week we are forecasted to receive a fine layer of frost. Hopefully, the chill will be over soon. I am already dreaming of spring flowers. Tulips and cherry blossoms are my favorite.

I have already started dreaming of what flowers to plant in the small patch in front of my house. I am thinking lilies might be beautiful. Or anything bright in color, grow no more than 6 inches tall, low maintenance and can survive the strong afternoon sun. Any suggestions are welcome. :) However, one thing is for sure. I am definitely getting 2 hanging baskets of petunia, of the variety below, to hang on two sides of my front porch. Ain't those pretty?

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